Interview with Duncan Cryle and Karen McAllister on integrating mindfulness into our daily lives

Duncan Cryle is Senior Director at a global software company with over 25000 employees where he also leads a company-wide mindfulness program. He was previously one of the pioneers of IBM’s mindfulness community. He is founding member of Clear Sky Center in British Columbia, Canada, and is co-executive director there, under the guidance of head teachers Qapel and Sensei. He co-teaches Clear Sky’s Integrating Mindfulness and 3 month residential mindfulness-in-action program.

Karen McAllister is founder of the Mindful Money coaching and is passionate about building the bridge between spirituality and money. She believes that our current relationship with money reflects a spiritual crisis in the human race. She is a founding member of Clear Sky Meditation Center in British Columbia, Canada. She has been Director of Fund Development since 2008 & Board Chair from 2014 to present. She studies with head teachers Qapel and Senseico-teaches Clear Sky’s Integrating Mindfulness and serves the community in helping them clean up their relationship with money.

In our conversation we discuss the following:

  • What is mindfulness and how people can apply it to their lives
  • What are common challenges to integrating mindfulness into our daily busy and chaotic life
  • Duncan and Karen’s personal and profession journey of integrating mindfulness into their daily lives
  • What is Clear Sky Center
  • Duncan’s role in in his software company and how he teaches mindfulness to other employees at his company
  • Karen’s work as a mindful money coach
  • What is a mindful approach to money and finances
  • Why it is important to bring awareness and healing into our relationship with money

For more information, see You can contact Duncan Cryle at, or Karen McAllister at or visit her website at