
Dr. Welsh is certified in HeartMath Biofeedback. For more information on HeartMath Biofeedback please visit: Information on this website has been reprinted from HeartMath with permission. If you have any questions about HeartMath Biofeedback or would like to schedule a biofeedback appointment with Dr. Welsh, please email him at:

What is HeartMath?

HeartMath® products, tools, and techniques are based on over 30 years of scientific research conducted at the HeartMath Institute on the psychophysiology of stress, emotions, and the interactions between the heart and brain. Over 500 peer-reviewed or independent studies utilizing HeartMath techniques or technologies to achieve beneficial outcomes have been published.

HeartMath biofeedback can help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, anger, fatigue and improve sleep, performance, calmness, and creativity.

HeartMath: Measuring HRV & Coherence

Measuring HRV & Coherence

Our heart rate is always changing, creating a pattern. These heart rhythm patterns, also called “heart rate variability” (HRV), are a powerful window into our health and emotional wellness.

Feeling Stressed

HeartMath: Feeling StressedWhen we are out of sync (stressed, frustrated, anxious, etc.), our heart rhythm patterns are jagged and chaotic.

Feeling Grateful

HeartMath: Feeling GratefulWhen we are in sync (composed, easeful, grateful, etc.), our heart rhythm patterns look like smooth sine waves.

We can learn to change our heart rhythm patterns to change how we feel and perform.
The HeartMath app translates your heart rhythm patterns into a real-time coherence score that you can use to build your heart coherence.

HeartMath Sync
The HeartMath app translates your heart rhythm patterns into a real-time coherence score that you can use to build your heart coherence.

What is Heart Coherence?

Why Heart Coherence Matters

How to Increase Your Heart Coherence

Using the HeartMath Science – Dr. Rollin McCraty, Director of HeartMath Research